BREAKING NEWS: Muslims Invade And Convert Catholic Church Into Islamic Prayer Ground In Benue State

There was pandemonium yesterday at St Luke Catholic Church, Agatu, Benue state as members who came to worship discovered that over 500 Muslims had already invaded and converted the church into Islamic prayer ground.

 A source who pleaded anonymity told reporters that they came for 6:00pm service, only to discover that the church had already been invaded by Muslims. Another source who pleaded anonymity told reporters that the church building was locked.

Source: Daymail Gist

Me: Are you guys surprised? Anyway I am not surprised

This is the only country not at "war" but over 200 persons were killed in a day

This is the only country where 100  soldiers were killed a day and 23 still missing but the president is yet to alter any statement

This is the country where over 50 communities burn down by a group and the group leaders are walking freely with security guards shielding them

This is Nigeria my country

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